Contents page

This page is the contents page for the Use Case Editor's detailed online help. Select the items you need help with from the links below. The links are organised into groups by topic area.

Introduction to Use Cases

What is a use case?

Why use cases?

Requirements development

Capturing and refining use cases

UML use case diagrams

Use case template

Use case include relationships

Inclusion in UML

Use case extend relationships

Extension in UML

Use cases and activity diagrams

Activity diagram example

How to open and close models

Launching and exiting the editor

Creating a new standalone model

Opening an existing model

Saving a standalone model

How to work with version controlled repositories

Creating a versioned repository

Inserting a model into a repository

Retrieving a model from a repository

Resolving model collisions

Working with packages of use cases

Adding a package to a model

Viewing packages in a model

Editing a package in a model

Deleting a package from a model

Working with actors

Adding an actor to a model

Editing an actor's details

Deleting an actor

Working with casual use cases

Adding a use case to a package

Viewing use cases in a package

Editing casual use case descriptions

Deleting a use case

Viewing use case diagrams

Working with fully dressed use cases

Editing the primary path

Adding alternative paths

Editing alternative paths

Deleting alternative paths

Editing detailed steps

Include and extend relationships

Viewing activity diagrams

Working with domain data models

About domain data models

Domain model types and classes

Adding types and classes

Editing types and classes

Deleting types and classes

Adding attributes to classes

Editing attributes

Deleting attributes

Adding associations

Editing associations

Deleting associations

Viewing class diagrams

Working with non-functional requirements (NFRs)

About non-functional requirements

Adding NFRs

Editing NFRs

Deleting NFRs

Associating NFRs with use cases

Maintaining a hyperlinked glossary

About glossaries

Adding glossary entries

Editing glossary entries

Deleting glossary entries

Generating output documents

Generating requirements documents

Customising templates